why did we MAKE THIS VIDEO?


The monkey chants are back in The Beautiful Game. The anti-Jewish songs. The vile abuse.

And yet most of us stay quiet. Look the other way. Pretend it’s not happening.

Where that can lead is horrific. 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the world’s most extreme and shameful crime against humanity: the Holocaust.

The Nazis gassed, burned, shot, beat or starved to death 6 million Jewish men, women and children. Murdered 220,000 Roma and Sinti. Imprisoned, castrated or murdered 15,000 homosexual men. Killed thousands of the mentally and physically handicapped.

Enthusiastic collaborators helped. As did millions of passive bystanders. Yes, millions. Not just during the Holocaust but for years beforehand.
They went along with exactly the sort of mindless hate we are seeing again today. In Britain.


So on Holocaust Memorial Day 2020 we must remember….

Those who stood by.

Those who turned away.

Those who encouraged and supported hatred through the power of their silence.

And we must remember, as we see Nazi salutes in football stadiums just like those Nazi salutes 75 years ago, that we need to stand up.
